Saturday, June 6, 2009

The Little Garden That Could {16}

John Cougar's "hold onto 16 as long as you can..." keeps running through my brain over and over again today. I keep thinking about something fun I could share that would be worthy of an entire blog...but no such luck. The only thing remotely interesting is the fact that I didn't turn 16 until the middle of my junior year of high school (which sucked) but that once I actually got that beautiful Illinois drivers license I had the sincere pleasure of driving my moms sweet TEAL Lebaron Convertible round town. I was cool, don't be jealous.

Onto the officially #16 (on the countdown) post. I decided to add a green thumb, be a tree hugger, "go green", be organic...the whole nine yards this summer. You know, me and my three plant garden-HA! Anyway I just did the back of each seed packet, did exactly like they said and have been patiently awaiting SOMETHING. I planted green beans, zuccini squash and green peppers as those are some household favorites!!

Itty bitty stuff on the upper left: Green Peppers, Upper Right: Zuccini Squash, Long beautiful green plant: Green beans

So I have something, but as of now it doesn't resemble anything the family can eat. Its almost the middle of June so heres to hoping that in the next few weeks I will reep what I sow. HA!

If anyone has any suggestions I would be more than happy to take them! I looked up what green bean plants should look like today (I also wanted to make sure that I had them planted correctly, and I do thank you very much!) and so far it seems I am doing okay other than maybe it is time to take out some of them?! Thats just based on what I read...I may give it another week before I do something crazy like that though!


Anonymous said...

Great job, I am so proud of you! I know diddly squat about planting anything, so no suggestions from me! Except...keep up the good work & hopefully you will have some delicious veggies to eat very soon!

GranBecks said...

Where is the garden located?