Sunday, June 14, 2009

Dear JD, {2}

You are officially 21 months now. Even typing that seems are ALMOST TWO years old!! With that said, P-Daddy and I still watch you in amazement each and every day. We still think you are the neatest, smartest, most intuitive child to walk the face of the earth. We always will I am just sure of it.

I can now picture you as a little boy. When you were a wee little thing I couldn't picture this (or wrap my brain around it). But now I can. You have your own personality for sure (you always have). Although you still really aren't talking to us in what most would consider the English language, you communicate what you want or need very well. Your little voice is so cute by the way...and I realize this tid bit will be embarrassing if you eventually read this when you are older, but I want you to know and it to be in the history books...

You have been rather trying lately. I feel like its the beginning of what folks call "the Terrible Two's." I know that a lot of this is the fact that you are saying something to us that we don't understand and its very frustrating for you. We are trying my dear...we sure are trying. You are so vocal though and you point, and then you get louder and louder and louder with the hopes that we will finally get it. Sometimes we are successful and sometimes we aren't. Most of the time we just nod, agreeing with you which, for now you seem to be happy with.

You are such a happy boy, so intrigued with the world around you. I know you are so that child that is loud talking your own language in stores. I let you. I love it. You say hello to every single stranger that walks by us no matter where you are. You say good bye when we leave anywhere to whomever will listen. You get frustrated with people when they don't pay attention to your sentiments. I love that you are already social. You get that honestly.

You love your daddy. You are starting to mimic everything he does too. The other day he was standing in the kitchen talking to me with his arms crossed and there you were standing right next to him, arms crossed "talking" louder and louder and louder until we would acknowledge that what you were saying was important. If Daddy puts his hand in his pocket, you are trying to do the same. If Daddy goes outside to grill, you run right to the door to be with him. This is something I know is only going to grow with time and I love it. I love it for you and I love it for your daddy. You are going to have such a special relationship, and I can't wait to watch it grow.

You "talk" all the time on your fake cell phone. I assume this is mimicking mommy. My favorite part of this play time is when you "answer" the phone and then immediately start cracking up, tilting your head back as if someone has just said the funniest thing in the world. You learned that somewhere...and I am not ashamed to say it was from me. I like that you are so observant. I like that if I have a hair clip in my hair that is the first thing you notice (translated, grab for).

You know that when the computer makes a noise, its most likely GranBeck calling on Skype and you go RUNNING like its the most important thing in the world. When the house phone rings you will go and get it and bring it to us. You no longer run in the other direction like the phone is a toy. You know exactly what to do...and we are so proud of you.

Everyone who meets you says you are so "busy." And you are. You literally do not stop from the time you wake up in the morning until you rest your head on your mattress at night. You move from one thing, to the next, to the next, to the next and then the other thing and then the leggos, and the puzzle and the books (where you pause and pretend to read for a nano second), and then climb the coffee table, dance a little, slide off, move to your lawn mower, get bored oh yeah climb on the kitchen chair and have a never stops. I have recently lost some weight for no apparent reason than those I just mentioned above...namely thank you, from the bottom of my heart, thank you my son. :)

You and I have started a new nightly routine as of late. We go upstairs and I rock you in the rocking chair and sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" and whatever else you will let me for a few minutes. You normally don't sit still in my lap for more than a nano second so I consider this a very special time that I am hoping to continue for a long long time.

These last 21 months would have been so empty without you. Our life would not be full without you in it. We feel so lucky to have the original you in our lives each and every day.


1 comment:

GranBecks said...

He is the cutest, smartest, most handsome, creative, loving boy! I cannot wait to get some of those sweet hugs and kisses in person. Love you all.