Thursday, June 11, 2009


I entitle this post "11" for a number (ha! get it...11/number...I am so funny I know!) of reasons.

First-its {11} on the countdown on my 30 blogs in 30 Days Journey

Second-ELEVEN is my all time favorite number as I was born on November 11th and have always thought that was very cool

(ironically) today is June 11th (Happy 22 month birthday Addy and Lilly)!

So without further a do you shall receive a Mamalouise type of blog today! A selfish blog so to speak. I really have nothing planned (as I normally don't) but think its time to ramble a bit about, well...I guess we shall see.

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately...which can be dangerous. I have been dealing with some part time insomnia which is nothing new in the last 2o or so months but still can be maddening. I have learned to deal with it a little bit and will now just lay in bed and think about whatever it is my brain apparently needs to work out before it lets me go back to sleep.

I think about how I never knew I would be this type of mom. The all "hands on, not working outside of the home, very depended on, doesn't make time for myself very much or very well," type. I was so into me, selfish old me (even while prego) that I never knew. And its been hard the whole quitting of being selfish/not having a job/somewhat losing and then regaining my identity thing. Geez, you people have even read about the hardness that it sometimes is.

However, along this whole 21 month journey I have ALWAYS felt I was exactly where I was supposed to be. I may not have always been comfortable there but always had a comfort of sorts because I was where I was for a reason (yet to be completely figured out).

I have gotten better about saying the word "no." Which is funny because I feel less selfish than I ever have in my life. But maybe saying no to things because I don't want to do them isn't being selfish at all...just smart! But "no" is a fabulous word and all should have it in their vocabulary. And while having it in their vocabulary should not feel bad for saying it. I used to do things all the time that I didn't want to do because I didn't want to hurt someone's feelings, or felt like I had to for one reason or another. Not so much anymore. If I don't want to do it, I don't and don't really care if someone is pissed about it. I used to be a HUGE people pleaser. Now I am just a people pleaser. :)

I sometimes wonder if JD should be our only child. Which was not who I thought I would be as a mom EVER. I originally wanted THREE...then got pregnant and thought there was no way I was going down that road TWO more times, so I said I could have TWO, and then JD came along and, like I said, some days I think we are complete just the way we are. I have friends moving onto baby number two...and the thought of that gives me hives. Itchy hives. That, I fear would make getting an actual babysitter to come to my house and watch my CHILDREN not CHILD a LOT harder...and its already hard. That means I would get even LESS time to myself, and right now I don't even know how that would be humanly possible.

I am more than just a mom, although I love being a mother more than I ever knew I would. Once again, which is why I feel very good in the place I am at right now. But I am more than just a mom. And I don't want to lose that girl, that fun, somewhat free spirited, laugh at her own jokes, have a beer on the porch with you on a Monday night just because, feels really pretty in pajama pants and a tank top (with ratty, unbrushed hair), sings so loud in her car that people shake their head at her at stoplights...that girl. I like her. I like me.

People don't like it when you tell them you like yourself. A lot of people don't like themselves. I have always liked me and I never want to lose that. I haven't always liked all of me, like the body of me. Still struggle with that. So don't call me arrogant. I'm not. People have always seen me as confident though, and I like that. Speaking of that, I used to care a lot more about what others thought about me. That is a curse. Don't do it. Anyway...I don't care at all. And really, I have P-Daddy to thank for that. He has NEVER cared what others thought about him. I admire that. He thinks he's cool even if the rest of the world thinks whatever they want. I think you get a lot further in life this way.

I don't like this stage in my life right now when it comes to friendships. Its a weird time. Some married, some with child/children, some without, some never gonna have children and can't believe we do, some in serious relationships, some single and happy, some single and sad. Regardless I never knew this stage would be so highschooly weird. I watched "Bride Wars" the other night (during P-Daddy's weekend away) and got emotional over the fact that these two girls were so close. I mean despite the drama (ha!). There are many days that I feel very distant from many (sometimes all) of my friends. Part of it is because I feel like for the first time in our friendship I am being true to MYSELF and not just to them (insert the word "no" know to what they think I should be doing for them, with them, etc), and sometimes I blame it on a plethora of things (kids, distance, the weather, you name it). Regardless, its a weird time and I don't like it. I don't care that we aren't all in the same place...wouldn't that be boring if we were? I think so.

I have friends that read this blog that are probably taking what I just said personally. Its nothing I haven't said to any of them though, so whether they like it or not, they know I feel this way. And I am only writing about it because today is a selfish blog day and I am letting myself write whatever I please. :) And that I don't think I/we are alone in this weird time of friendships. Sure...I could probably walk the neighborhood and find mommy friends that stay at home too and we may laugh a bit at the pool this summer...but I would MUCH rather just spend time with my real friends. I don't need all that fluff. I need my friends to be friends.

P-Daddy is my best friend. I also got emotional (translated, cried...or rather sobbed) during "Bride Wars" at how lucky I am (insert I am PMSing and anything somewhat emotional is fair game for tears to shed). So with the weirdness that is 20 somethings friendships it is nice to have a true best friend. I literally have never had a friend like him. Oh people don't think we are perfect...we fight, we disagree, we have our moments. But seriously, no one has ever loved and respected me like him and a girls just gonna tear up about the hugeness of that every once in a while.

I hope you are happy today, just exactly where you are. I hope if you aren't, that you do something about it. I hope you love and are loved. We only get one life, why not live it?


Nick and Jenn said...

Love this post...was hoping for one of these. Good stuff!

Aimee said...

Happy 11th to you! Good & honest blog--I like it...

Lora said...

this is such an amazing post!
I love being a mom to an only child. There can't be anything like it in the whole world than the relationship between a mom and her only child, especially when that only child is a boy. It's the most beautiful special thing I can imagine. I don't want any more brats coming in and messing that up for me.

and people do hate it when you like yourself, and hate it even more when you like the way you look!