Friday, May 29, 2009

Crack {24}

Guess he couldn't feel the breeze because it didn't seem to bother him. :) This will be the only time where this is cute in his life so it was worth snapping a shot! :)

In other news...JD peed in the potty TWICE in the last two days?! Our pediatrician told us at our last appointment (about a week ago) to start introducing the potty to JD but not to push it on him. So once a day we sit him on the potty and read a story (or rather I typically tell him a story). He gets up several times but so far always comes back and sits down. He is really into it so we are going with it! I do not think he knows what he is doing AT ALL though. The doctor told us to make a REALLY big deal about it though so we have. Our treat of choice has been a little bag of fruit snacks as he doesn't ever get to have his own bag of anything. So he is in love, hopefully with the treats AND the potty!


Our Happy Married Life... said...

priceless! and I do think he knows what he's doing...he's just that smart! :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah for JD...that is awesome!

GranBecks said...

Granbecks is looking at Spider-man underroos already!