Tuesday, August 5, 2008

He's Got Skillz

These aren't your average Bow Hunting or Numb Chuck (sp?) skills (yes, I still quote Napoleon Dynamite. Its an awesome movie so who could blame me?). Mr. JD now walks with his bottle. Specifically the night time bottle. Gone are the days where he cuddles up with mom or dad and somewhat dozes off while he eats for one last time in a day. Nope-he won't even have it. He still goes to bed peacefully so we haven't worried about how he takes this bottle. It used to be sitting up and drinking, now he has JD'd this experience! HA!

The walking baby with bottle business is hysterical so I had to share it with you! Enjoy!


Laura said...

He definetly has skills! And he's such a good walker at 10 months. (Yes, I am stalking you through your blog too!)

GranBecks said...

Just 35 days until Grandma gets a hug! Looks like I will have to catch him first!

I love you guys, Mom

Anonymous said...

Way to go you big stud!! I sometimes walk the way you do with my "night time bottle"...stumblin' all over the place dropin' my bottle too. Now that I think about it...that was in college.

Pappa Ash

Our Happy Married Life... said...

too cute for words. He's just trotting around like he's the stuff and don't get in his way. I showed Paul and he said "he was just here and wasn't walking like that"...I don't think he understands how quickly kids learn!