Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The 100 Things You May or May Not Have Known About Me

1.I can sing
2.I was a fair queen
3.I am a lover AND a fighter
4.I played every sport possible (for women) in my lifetime (so far)
5.I used to be a smoker (and at the time, I loved it)
6.I love to get my nails and toes done
7.My favorite sport is Tennis
8.I have always worried about my looks
9.My first bike was a pink Huffy from a garage sale
10. I love vacation
11. I don’t like to fly
12. I HATE elevators
13. I work really hard at everything I do
14. I like to be uplifting to those around me
15. I look just like my mom (my mom is beautiful to me)
16. I loved college
17. I LOVE to drive
18. I sing loudly in my car
19. I hated being pregnant
20. I am a good friend
Friends Thanksgiving 2007

21. Blue Moon Beer is my favorite
22. I hate liars
23. I had a great childhood
24. I am the “rock” in my family
25. I love my blue eyes
26. I love that Jacob has blue eyes
27. I love my middle name
28. I LOVE being a mother and a wife
29. I think southern California has the perfect climate
30. Fall is my favorite season
31. I am just like my dad in a lot of ways
32. I don’t like to own cars, just SUV’s
33.I am very opinionated
34. I laugh at my own jokes
35.I like to dance but am not very good at it
36. I walked into college optimistic and naïve
37. I walked out of college optimistic
38.I shop on the sale racks first
39. I never wore makeup on a regular basis until college
40. I love purchasing gifts for other people

P-Daddy and I on vacation

41. I love to host
42. I don’t think anyone can get my house as clean as I can
43. I don’t understand jealousy
44. I fold everything
45. My brain is always busy thinking
46. I am a planner
47. I talk…a lot
48. When I get nervous…I talk more
49. I have won karaoke contests
50. I was super involved in high school
51. I avoided involvement in college
52. I don’t really like competition unless it involves singing
53.I don’t like pettiness
54. I don’t like living in separate states as my mom
55.I live to not regret anything
56. I can talk about homes or homebuying for hours
57. I will most likely be your friend within minutes of meeting you (if you let me of course!)
58.People always tell me their life story on airplanes
59. I love diamonds
60. I pray everyday
VP, me, Papa President

61. I enjoy that I came from Dvegas
62. I am my brothers biggest advocate and always will be
63. I have ridiculous intuition
64. I can read people really well
65. I am sometimes misunderstood
66. I am a t-shirt and jeans type of gal (hot jeans though)
67. I have been a fake blonde since 7th grade
68. I have two Harrington Rods in my back because I had scoliosis as a child
69. I remember everything
70. I don’t like to get gifts, I like to get thoughtful gifts
71. I don’t cry very often and when I do its normally because it’s the only emotion left.
72. I have both a myspace and a facebook page
73. I love to do the crossword in People Magazine every week
74. I could eat dessert after every meal
75. I don’t drink caffeine
76. Its hard for me to think about or do for myself
77. I am very creative
78. I do not like to be around negative people
79. Target is my adult Disney World
80. I am scared of the dark

Me trying to dance at a wedding in Puerto Vallarta

81. I fall asleep to one version or another of Law and Order every night (thank you TIVO)
82. I watch way too much television
83.I have always wanted to be older than I am in the moment (until 21 and then I could have stopped there)
84. I have lost my license because of too many speeding tickets in one years time
85.I do not like it when people are rude for no reason
86. I did not enjoy corporate B.S.
87. Sometimes ignorance is bliss
88.I hated being treated differently at work once I became pregnant, it was one of many times I realized that you have to work twice as hard to get somewhere in corporate America as a woman (and yes I am on my soap box about that one too!)
89. I believe that you can control your destiny
90. I do not read books when it comes to questions about raising my child
91. I did not read pregnancy books either
92. I have been a "maid of honor" once
93. I aspire to be a business owner
94. I do not like being taken advantage of
95. I worry about things I can’t control
96. I never had braces
97. I do not like repeating myself
98. I love the small things in life
99. I took 4 semesters of Spanish in college and can still only say “hola”
100. This was harder than I thought it would be! Whew! Glad I did this though!


Our Happy Married Life... said...

I just got done laughing out loud at #99 b/c that is sad, Michelle, sad. Oh well, I will forgive you. I had fun reading your 100 things--Paul enjoyed hearing them too. :)

GranBecks said...

You make me laugh too. And you bring tears to my eyes. I know that you know that I love you, but just wanted you to know that I really like you too. Love, Mom