Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Favorites

Thought that today, last Friday in February, would be a fun day to pass along some fun, interesting, exciting blogs I stalk on a regular basis! Aren't we all always looking for more ways to waste time? :) Well...even if you aren't these are noteworthy (or click worthy) for sure!

In no particular order...

My BFF has Addy and Lilly: A Whole New World where she blogs about her two, TWO year olds...but CLICK HERE to read about something near and dear to her heart. Worth it, promise.

Want to read lots of interesting funny stuff from an expectant father (who happens to be the hubby of one of my dearest friends)...look no further because Sullidad Chicago has it all.

Reasonably Swanky doesn't even know I stalk her blog but I just think she is the cutest with all her shopping and decorating and such. She also lives in the south, a place in the US of A I just think is quite special.

Confessions of an Ex-girlfriend is as great as its title...and not just because she talks about her ex, she has lots of interesting things to say!!

Jules vs. Nuts is a current fav because she is just herself (I say that like I really know her) and translates that life into witty writing that is interesting to read. THIS POST is what got me hooked.

Would love to know your current favs too! TGIF everyone! We have date night this weekend...seeing a cheesy movie in an actual theater (translates to, we never do this) and going to a meal of food where neither of us is cooking it...or cleaning up the dishes! Cannot wait!


Exgf said...

Thank you so much for the link :) (and being a Friday fav) :)

Hope you had a great weekend!!!!

Exgf said...

we miss you....where are you????