Friday, February 5, 2010

Doppleganger Week

Two blogs in two days...what? I know, right?! Anyway Its Doppleganger week on Facebook so I participated. I don't normally get all into that stuff that Facebook does but thought this was fun!

I have frequently been told that I look like two pretty famous people...

DJ Tanner (aka Candice Cameron), FULL HOUSE

Scarlett Johansson

I used Scarlett as my Facebook profile pic because I may as well right? She is gorgeous and I will take that compliment from anyone willing to dish it out. I really don't think I resemble either of these women....who cares though...its fun to play pretend. is a website you can use that will use a picture of yourself that you upload and output celebrities that look like you. Scarlett nor Candice Cameron showed up on my list (see below) but I will tell you who did...DAVID HASSELHOFF!! Yep, all 70% of his bad self. Nothing like being told you look 70% like a man. Oh and I am pretty sure my number one match is some sort of porn star! Sweet!

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Cele

brity - Collage - Morph

1 comment:

Exgf said...

where did dopplegager even come from??? people say mine is Renee Zelwegger :)