Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Under Construction-New Blogspot Address

P-Daddy and I have decided that we need to be a bit more careful while blogging to America. So we have removed our names and those who would like to remain anonymous and have replaced with some fun (confidential) names. If you have a blog and use your real names then I kept you the same (yes I was a psycho and went through all 41 blogs I have written and changed everyone's names...I told you we are serious about this)! :)

Don't worry, nothing has happened...but we are not ones to put ourselves completely out there and with our original blog name we were. Its just a hard day in age to be too trusting you know? :)

See the sidebar for descriptions on who's who! I will be back for a real blog (I realize this doesn't qualify). But bear with me because I am updating through JD's naps today so it may not all be done as you are reading this.

So for those of you who have us on your blog list, if you wouldn't mind changing us to now be "Rhyme and Reason" that would be great! And if you notice, the our blogspot address has changed too (I don't know if you need to change that or not).

Thank you to all! I shall return soon!


GranBecks said...

Rhyme and Reason? Okay, I get the Reason--take the names away to protect the innocent--or hide behind alias'(but you did not call it Law N Order or Crime & Punishment)! But where's the Rhyme? Come on, P-Daddy, I want a rap! And what is the Mama's name--Da-Mama as in "the mama"? lol I am teasing! I think you have a good idea. (But I would love to see a video with all of you doing a family rap--maybe even a Christmas one?!--Grandmas can ask for stuff like that!)

Our Happy Married Life... said...