Friday, August 27, 2010

Your So Vain...

(sing it with me)..."you probly think this song is about you...your so vain (your so VAIN) you probly think this song is about you, don't you, DON'T YOU!" :)

So apparently Mr. JD got a hold of my camera the other day and learned himself how to take pictures. I say this because I plugged in my SD card today and up pops what you shall see below. The funny thing is there were about 40 total of he, himself and him! These are just the ones that you could see his pretty face! Kind of a fun surprise for mommy!

Also fun that he didn't break the camera while it was in his little curious hands! And pretty great that he didn't lose said camera while it was in his possession. Never underestimate the power of his creepiness! :)

Happy Friday!

Oh and sorry about the boogies in his nose...we are fighting something and as much as we try to keep on top of them, they are coming back faster than we can grab him and wipe him up. And remember, he was apparently roaming the house and MIA during this "photo shoot." (insert mom of the year award HERE).

1 comment:

Our Happy Married Life... said...

these pictures are so so so cute!