Thursday, August 19, 2010


B.O. is not something a woman should deal with (even if she does sweat like a man in the armpit region)

B.O. may be a result of the fact that I have an obscene amount of hair under my pits (TMI?)

B.O. means I can't wear satin, even in the winter, unless I want to show off serious sweaty pit stains.

B.O. knows no boundaries and has ripped through every antiperspirant on the market (normal and "clinical") and one prescription deo too.

So as you can see I have a problem. And its of the smelly variety. I mean, don't get me wrong...I don't smell like a 7th grader who just went through puberty and doesn't yet realize they need some deodorant but by the end of every day I don't smell so hot. In fact, every night when P-Daddy gets home from work we hug it out and typically he gives me a smell check. Most days the verdict is: "you've smelled worse." Which is kind of gross. And I really hate it.

Right now I have a stick of deo in the center console of my ride, just in case. I used to have it there AND in my desk drawer at work. Yep peeps, its THAT bad.

Currently I start the day with a little SECRET and end with applying some Mitchum (for women). Always, ALWAYS of the powder fresh scent as it smells a little LESS bad when it is wearing of! Its working for me, for now. I think I need botox in the pits. I hear it works. And at the ripe age of 29 I am thinking this is a problem that won't go away without a serious intervention.

The deo's currently in my bathroom...

Aren't you glad you stopped by this here blog and read about Body Odor today? I'm sure glad you did. Now don't go off and forget your deodorant today! :)

1 comment:

Lora said...

I don't sweat, but I stink. It started when I got pregnant and didn't stop. Actually, it started at puberty but it was amped by pregnancy.

As someone who just got botox (in my back and neck for something totally unrelated) let me tell you it is the worst thing I ever did. It was so painful, for 3 weeks I could hardly move and it has caused all these other weird side effect like fatigue and sinus infections and flu-like symptoms. All very typical of botox injections but none of them are mentioned when people tout the miracle of botox.
Any time I talk to someone else who had it done- anywhere in their body- they talk about the same symptoms. Some people think it's worth it, but I don't!

Ever try Certain Dry?