Monday, August 16, 2010


As a parent you find yourself doing things you never thought you would do. A few examples shall we?

Allowing your baby to take naps in their swing (guilty)
Sometimes having a potty mouth in front of your child (guilty)
Allowing your child to watch more than the recommended half an hour a day of television (very guilty)
Opening a box of cookies in a store just so he will stop screaming and disrupting the public (guilty)

Believe me when I say these are LIGHT examples, there are many, many more. The bottom line is you do these things mostly out of desperation, which doesn't make it OKAY and as a parent you know this....but it does help you survive the early days of parenting.

One of the things that P-Daddy and I were pretty convicted about not getting was a swing set for our yard. Mainly because they are VERY expensive, we don't have a lot of flat yard space and we have a neighborhood park that we can practically spit on (oh and selfishly they can be sort of an eye sore). Insert=eating your own words.

One of our neighbors has grown children, had one of these said swing sets and was looking to get rid of it. We actually looked into this for one of our friends who were interested in a swing set, not for us. But when he told us the price (umm think deal of the century), P-Daddy perked up and said "maybe we should buy it." I was all "WHAT?" Of course JD had walked down with us to our neighbors house and had already gone down the slide about a million times. He's a good salesman to his dear old dad.

So we made the big purchase. And after a much needed face lift we have the happiest boy on the block. To say that this purchase was priceless is an understatement.

This is the "after face lift" pic...sorry about the fuzziness...don't know what happened.

Sometimes its nice to eat your words.

Next up: Teaching JD how to SWING himself! My arms are tired. :)


Our Happy Married Life... said...

love the swing set! it's okay to eat your words, we all do! can't wait to see it with my own eyes soon. :)

Aimee said...

Love it! Love that he loves it! Great pics, and oh, that last one, Indiana humidity happened--that's what all my outdoor shots last week looked like!