Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Moment in the Snow...Literally a Moment

JD and I ventured into the great white (our backyard) yesterday for him to "experience" a moment in the snow. It was about 40 degrees here in good old Indiana and the 12 inches of snow we have on the ground was starting to melt.

Although I know he won't remember this, I still felt like it was robbing him of something by not at least going out in it once before it melted. And YAHOO it sure did melt...its basically gone because today it got up to 53 degrees!! There are some perks to Global warming right (yes I did just say that...its 53 degrees and February, the worst month of the year...I can't help it that I said it, I had to)?!? :)

JD's snowy adventure in pictures:

Umm...we were having a perfectly good time INSIDE...what is up with this mom? What exactly have you covered my hands with?

I am sinking in this cold white stuff! Help a baby out would ya?

Don't normal people have sleds for their kids? What is wrong with you and dad?

Help me! That stuff you keep calling "snow" got on my hands and is AWFUL!

My favorite, don't ya just want to squeeze him?

YES! I made it!

This is MUCH better...thank you!

I kind of liked the snow mom...I just cried for the camera, I want to go back please...I heard the man on the news and he said it would be gone by tomorrow. I guess since I only have ONE more day, its worth it! Inside is BORING, outside is fun!

And just because its fun to do...this is a picture of fun in the snow from last February...sniff, sniff


Lora said...

I really like you too, and wish you lived closer. I don't think it's strange at all that you would share that you think we would be friends. I'm a big fan of yours and love reading about JD and you and all the stuff you are up to.

Aimee said...

The things we do for a few good pictures :-) Love them!

Tony & Jaimie said...

I love his little pea coat :) and looking back on feb 08...they do change and grow soo quickly!
