Saturday, January 3, 2009

Honest Scrap Award!!

It is with great honor that I accept the blog award of “Honest Scrap” from my dear friend Amy. Has this intrigued you? It got me hook line and sinker! You should read on…promise it will be good AND you may just receive an award yourself!

Wasn’t tag fun as a child? Such a great game and good cardiovascular activity for children too (don’t get me on my high horse on that one)…anyway, it seems that the Honest Scrap award comes with a game of tag! I am rather excited about this because I am a huge blog dork. This game of “tag” so to speak started with Accidentally Me, moved onto my best friend Amy and now the power of tag is in my hands! :)

The rules of this lovely award/game of tag is as follows…
A) You must write 10 honest things about yourself that are interesting (of course, right?)
B) Pass the award along to 7 other bloggers that you feel embodies the spirit of Honest Scrap.

Here we go…

  1. I know few strangers. Take blogging for example…many of you I don’t know from boo (P-Daddy sometimes worries about this factor). Still I look into your world daily/weekly/whatever and post comments on your page as if we are the bestest friends in the world. If I actually did meet any of you I would most likely give you a big hug and just start talking to you as if we had known each other for years.
  2. I am a hugger. As mentioned above I would probably hug any one of you and I don’t even know you! My whole family is actually, and P-Daddy’s family is not. I used to kind of be weird about this because as a hugger you sometimes don't understand non-huggers. BUT I get it now and totally respect it! Just don't think it stops me from sneaking hugs on them sometimes...cause I do (and secretly I think I am turning them into huggers)! :)
  3. I love wearing white collared shirts. This is a weird thing about me I think but honestly I feel pretty in a crisp white collared shirt (un-tucked), cute dark faded jeans and some black heels. The look has changed a bit over the years (as far as going from light to dark fade jeans and chunky to thin heels)…but honestly this has been my signature boring look since high school.
  4. I knew there was something special about P-Daddy from the moment I met him. I met him freshmen year of college in another friends dorm room. He was just walking by (being cute) and my friend happened to play on the golf team with P-Daddy and so he stopped in to say hello. I blushed (yes I remember weird details) because he said “hi” to me (yes I was that insecure when it came to guys). I won’t tell his side of the story but apparently he felt the same way. So by senior year (when we were both single at the same time) the truth spilled out of both of our mouths about our “crush” (yes we had some liquid courage) and the rest is what brings us to here. :) I just think it’s fun that I knew…and he was worth the wait.
  5. I love me some rap music. Like gangster rap. I love memorizing the words and rapping along with TI or (I’m gonna go old school on you) Dr. Dre ("2001" album is my favorite). I especially love to work out to rap. For those of you rap haters you should really try it out sometime. And listen to the words…its some good stuff (ignore all the cussing though if that offends you). :)
  6. My husband’s wardrobe is larger than mine (gasp…I know). It’s not that I don’t love to shop and love clothes because I do! It’s that I just don’t have much to show for those shopping experiences AND I do NOT keep clothes that I do not wear. I am the girl that goes through her closet twice a year and gets rid of old stuff, ugly stuff, out of style stuff, etc. I must mention that menswear stays in style for YEARS and YEARS, while women’s clothing is much trendier and hard to keep up a wardrobe with!
  7. I have an uncanny ability to remember songs/slogans from commercials and singing/reciting them (to a T and in tune). I probably should have gone into advertising as I would have been rather helpful in the branding area! :)
  8. I am a control freak. It started with driving. I always had to drive…always. I really didn’t even know why I always had to drive until I didn’t drive one night in college. And there I was…stuck when all I wanted to do was go home and I didn’t have my own car to take me there and I hated every minute. I actually don’t think I was even ready to admit this (or had REALLY realized it myself) until last winter when I had lost control and was freaking out. By lost control I mean JD wasn’t sleeping through the night, wasn’t taking naps, I had virtually no outlet or help and I the combo was contributing to me losing my mind. I found peace in reading the Bible and doing a devotional every day. I hadn’t done that before and it really helped. I always knew God was in control but a daily reminder helped me through that time. However, I still struggle with being a control freak and pray about it all the time.
  9. I love playing the “Do you know (insert name)” game! You know…when you meet someone random and they say “I went to Indiana University” and you knew ONE person that went to that school and you just HAVE to ask if they knew them. I’m totally that girl. I am also that same girl that gets disappointed when they say “no they actually don’t know them because there was like a bazillion people that went to IU” because I was just sure that if they did know that person then we were destined to be friends. So I guess this one could have just said “I am a dork” and it would have summed it up faster!
  10. I had a diary that I wrote in on a regular basis until senior year of college. These diaries date back to the early 80’s by the way…and I have all of them. I am glad that I was encouraged by my parents to write openly (and pretty much speak openly too) about my thoughts and feelings. I look back at those early days and laugh at how silly I was but also reflect on how insightful I was at such a young age. This is probably why I like blogging so much and why sometimes, on a rare occasion I will get up close and personal with the blog.

Now it’s YOUR turn…and the WINNERS of the HONEST SCRAP Blog Award goes to (in no particular order)…
GranBecks (Grandmas Gotta Blog), Aimee (Addy and Lilly a Whole New World), Talia(Goldsmith Fam), Christina (Little Man Chase), Jaimie (May the Lord Bless you and Keep You), Laura (Peanut Chewning), Rhaya (


Aimee said...

Fun times! Good to read and I look forward to the challenge of posting!

Laura said...

I have been the worst blogger ever for about a month now but this looks like fun. Christina will tell you this is right up my alley. The rap music thing cracks me up! But I do LOVE LL Cool J. Hope you had a merry christmas and a happy new year!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for tagging me, but I have to politely decline. Since my blog currently also doubles as my business web site, I don't want to freak out any clients by posting that I want to move to California :)

GranBecks said...

I finally did my tag blog! Now I have to nominate some folks. Thanks, Honey! Love you.