Sunday, November 15, 2009

Ummm...No Mom

JD has been pretty funny lately and for whatever reason we think the below is hysterical. Right now he has coined the phrase " mom" or "no mom" or "uh-uh mom" and says it all the time whether the answer to the question really is "no". I know this won't last so I had to bottle it up on camera so we can have this snip bit for years to come!



Aimee said...

he adopts a bit of your voice inflection too, so cute! Glad you got it on tape!

GranBecks said...

I love it! And his hair--I think he looks like a boy! He is a boy, so that's fantastic! When you ask if he wanted to read books, he fussed and said, "No Nigh nigh!" I didn't know if you caught that! Love you all to pieces, Mom

Anonymous said...

So precious!!!

Thanks for reading my blog :) I will enjoy reading yours as well!!


Kristina said...

Just adorable!!! I caught what your mom did nigh nigh mom. it's not bedtime!
Miss you, love you

Bryan and Ashley said...

OMG that was so cute Michelle! Those are priceless moments you will be so glad you caught on camera. Hope to see you soon!!!


Rhaya said...

Hilarious. I don't know how you refrain from laughing!